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International students

Master in Environmental Biology

Students with foreign title must apply through the unique on-line form.

Previous academic experience
For foreign students, who should have some knowledge of the Italian language, there will be an evaluation of their current level of academic achievement, which will be relevant to the Master's degree, and therefore focussed on biological themes. In particular, the candidates should possess basic knowledge of the following subjects:

Biology and morpho-anatomy of the principal invertebrate groups (Porifera, Cnidaria, Platyhelminthes, Annellida, Arthropoda, Mollusca and Echinodermata).  The biological basis of evolution.

Characteristics of plant cells, plant anatomy (root, stem and leaves),  principles of plant physiology (photosynthesis, mineral nutrition), principal biological characteristics of plant and fungal groups (bryophytes, pteridophytes, gymnosperms and angiosperms), relationships between plants and principal environmental factors (water, light, temperature).

Laws of the transmission of hereditary characters.  Genetic variability in natural populations. The Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. Genetic structure of populations: migration, genetic drift, inbreeding and natural selection.

Identification, analysis and epidemiological management of environmental and biological indicators of human health. Methods of promotion of human health in relation to the quality of the environmental and occupational matrix.

The ecosystem concept, energy in ecological systems, biogeochemical cycles, limiting factors, population and community ecology, ecological succession, landscape ecology, air and water pollution.

The process of photosynthesis in higher plants, plant adaptations to variable environmental conditions, the relevance of water balance to plants; acclimatization and adaptation in animals, animal life in aerial and aquatic environments, the problem of size and scale (or, why are there differences between similar animals of different dimensions).

The objective of the Master's degree in Environmental Biology consists of the training of subjects who, having acquired an excellent preparation in basic and applied biology, will be highly competitive in the current job market through the development of specific skills in the field of environmental monitoring and protection in relation to a range of biological components.

Graduates in Environmental Biology will acquire thorough knowledge of experimental and analytical methods used in ecological research, extending the skills gained in the Bachelor's degree.  They will possess a high level of competence in scientific survey methods that will enable, either alone or in collaboration, the planning and realization of research programmes, including applied research of relevance to environmental policy objectives.  Graduates may continue towards a research career (university, museum) through a further level of training (PhD), through employment in regional organizations involved in monitoring, management or environmental conservation (regional environmental agencies, regional and provincial parks, non-governmental organizations, private companies), or through freelance consultancy.  The course provides excellent preparation for biological, botanical, zoological and related professions.

About Master in Cellular and Molecular Biology


Ultimo aggiornamento: 07/06/2023 18:54
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