- Oggetto:
- Oggetto:
Neuroscienze Cognitive
- Oggetto:
Cognitive Neuroscience
- Oggetto:
Anno accademico 2020/2021
- Codice dell'attività didattica
- SVB0019
- Docente
- Prof. Benedetto Sacchetti (Titolare)
- Corso di studi
- [f008-c501] LM in Biologia Cellulare e Molecolare (Classe LM-06)
- Anno
- 2° anno
- Tipologia
- Affine o integrativo
- Crediti/Valenza
- 8
- SSD dell'attività didattica
- BIO/09 - fisiologia
- Modalità di erogazione
- Tradizionale
- Lingua di insegnamento
- Italiano
- Modalità di frequenza
- Facoltativa
- Tipologia d'esame
- Orale
- Oggetto:
Sommario insegnamento
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Obiettivi formativi
The course is aimed at providing students with the most update information on the interaction between biological mechanisms and cognitive processes that lead to complex behaviors. In particular, during the course it will be analyzed i) the interaction between emotions and feelings, describing the most recent major theories, with particular attention to fear and anxiety, and to the reward and pleasure; ii) the cognitive processes underlying decision-making processes and the formation of memories. In the meantime, the course will provide information about the major disorders related to these functions (depression, anxiety disorders and post -traumatic stress, learning disorders, compulsive behavior and substance of abuse).
- Oggetto:
Risultati dell'apprendimento attesi
At the end of the course the student will have gained a comprehensive understanding of the major motivational and emotional processes based on integrated knowledge of biology, medicine and psychology, so that he/she can apply such a knowledge to the different areas of neuroscience.
- Oggetto:
Modalità di insegnamento
The course is conducted through lectures with an oral explanation of the topics in the program, which are accompanied by explanatory images, and articles made available to students.
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Modalità di verifica dell'apprendimento
The exam will be in an oral form. The exam is aimed at is verifying whether the student has acquired the essential information on the topics covered during the course. Such information will be supplied fully in lessons conducted by the teacher. In addition, during the exam it will be evaluated the ability of the student to process the information acquired and to apply them to the different areas of neuroscience.
- Oggetto:
Attività di supporto
The specific topics are: i) control systems of the brain (diffuse projection systems) and related disorders (depression). ii) cognitive processes: learning and memory. Neural basis of learning disorders. iii) Feelings and emotions: main theories and neural bases. iv) The pleasure circuits in the brain and neural mechanisms. v) Fear and anxiety: brain circuits and diseases. vii) Stress: mechanisms, stress and the immune system, stress and memory disorders, post-traumatic stress disorders (PTSD).
- Oggetto:
The specific topics are: i) control systems of the brain (diffuse projection systems) and related disorders (depression). ii) cognitive processes: learning and memory. Neural basis of learning disorders. iii) Feelings and emotions: main theories and neural bases. iv) The pleasure circuits in the brain and neural mechanisms. Drugs and psychoactive substances. v) Fear and anxiety: brain circuits and diseases. vii) Stress: mechanisms, stress and memory disorders, post-traumatic stress disorders (PTSD).
Testi consigliati e bibliografia
- Oggetto:
The course is based on the more recent findings in the neuroscience topics. Therefore, there is not appropriate books.
It may be useful (but it is not sufficient to attend the exam):
Purves D, cabeza R, Huettel SA, LaBar KS, Platt ML, e Woldorff MG Neuroscienze Cognitive (II edizione) ed. Zanichelli
Cognitive Neuroscience
Autore: Purves D et alEdizione: II ed
Casa editrice: Zanichelli- Oggetto: